Support Center
Army Links can not provide support for sites or services that aren't working for you.
While I'd love to tell you, you can trust this site, you should never blindly trust sites outside the .mil domain. Anyone can create a website and potentially redirect you to malicious content. If you're a little skeptical, go to "Quick Links" > "All Links" to see all links listed in plain text.
If you've made it this far, you probably know by now that the AKO portal no longer exists. I know quite a few, including myself, that used the retired AKO portal as a gateway to the multitude of sites the Army has. Instead of Googling and attempting to remember the address for a site there's only one you'll need to remember now,
Selecting the stars on links allows you to group your favorite links at the top of the home page. At this time the only way to save these favorites is to link them to an account. Too sketchy for you? I wholeheartedly understand! I highly recommend utilizing an e-mail privatization/masking service. If you choose to sign-up with your Apple ID, for example, you'll be able to use Hide My Email to mask your actual e-mail address. Don't have an Apple ID? There are many e-mail masking services such as AnonAddy and Abine Blur that work similarly.
While there are no precautions that restrict the usage of specific e-mail addresses or domains, I highly discourage the use of your government (.mil) address as this may violate your organization's acceptable use policy.
Absolutely. I personally don't like the idea of data collection. Use the "Ticket" link below to submit a ticket for your account deletion. If you can't get into your account, use one of the social media platforms to send Army Links a direct message.
Army Links utilizes automated tools such as, but not limited to, Google reCAPTCHAto detect suspicious activity. If you are currently utilizing a VPN you may need to select another location/IP from your provider. If you continue to experience issues, please utilize one of the social media platforms listed below to report your issue.
Please remember that Army Links is not ran by the U.S. Army, DoD, or any other government agency. Army Links cannot provide support for Army and contracted websites. You must contact your local Service Desk (S-6/G-6/J-6), NEC, the website's service desk, or the Army Enterprise Service Management Platform.